Piece by piece, with love and team power, our baby veggies are beginning to flower. With beetroot, peppers, onion and squash, and green tomatoes absolutely everywhere! Perhaps I should stick to the gardening and let the photos do the talking.
10 years of Coffee Shack and the community
The latest piece of Transkei magic to happen in Coffee Bay was the Coffee Shack 10th Birthday Community Party – held at Coffee Bay JSS on Friday the 5th. The party was held in celebration of Coffee Shack’s 10th Birthday.
Community meetings and opening greetings
Wow, finally we are all set to go and get this blog on the road. Can I start by saying a huge thank you for your support, faith and most definitely your patience. We have finally worked this computer jargon
The story of the High School Scholarship Fund
The Coffee Shack High School Scholarship Fund The Coffee Shack High School Scholarship fund was started in 2004, because the closest high school to Coffee Bay was (and still is) 20km away, and the majority of the families in the
The story of Ikhaya Labantwana Montessori
OUR LATEST ADDITION – ‘IKHAYA LABANTWANA MONTESSORI EARLY LEARNING CENTRE’ Our projects, all still ‘informal’ were going along very successfully in 2006, when I decided that I needed a change from the hospitality industry…… but I really wanted to stay
The story of the School Furniture & Support Fund
The Pato Desk & Chair Project This project was started in 2004, when Pato Junior Secondary School approached Coffee Shack for help. Their school, which had consisted of a ramshackle bunch of fallen down mud huts, had no funds to