We have been overseeing a child-headed household of three orphaned boys. Coffee Shack initially acted as the boys’ guardians from 2007 and remained involved when we took over the project after SCB was founded in 2011. By involving ourselves in the boys’ daily life until 2015, we provided them with life skills, school support and new opportunities.

The boys made a short video for a school project in 2011

What we did

  • Registered the children for Birth Certificates;
  • Advocated and then registered them with the Department of Social Development for food parcels and other support;
  • Advocated for and were successful in getting the boys permanent and safe accommodation;
  • Supported them to attend school;
  • Organised after school enrichment and activities such as drumming / surfing.

What we achieved

The eldest brother has since found permanent employment at Coffee Shack as a support guide to their day trips. The other two brothers work casually around Coffee Bay offering drum playing lessons and performances. They are now well able to look after themselves and each other as adults.

Why we did what we did

Through support, education and surfing, these boys’ lives have really been positively turned around!