With a Spring in our Steps, October 2018

Spring into Summer with our Sustainable Coffee Bay newsletter edition! Although if you’re reading this in the Northern Hemisphere, then we wish you a colourful Autumn instead 😉 This quarter, we’d love to show you our work not only at Ikhaya Labantwana

We need your help! Become a regular supporter.

We’ve got big plans and need some help! Following on from our last post about Sustainable Coffee Bay’s new strategic direction we’re pleased to be able to tell you much has progressed in the months since, but we need your help to continue! Without further

Increasing our impact in 2017!

As our new year resolutions start seeming like a bad idea, or just far too much effort, don’t forget to love yourself, take some “me” time and find some face time with your best buddy. We’re giving ourselves some organisational

A busy start to 2016!

Happy New Year from a busy but happy team at Sustainable Coffee Bay! We are incredibly pleased to welcome Marlene Scholtz on board as the new Principal at Ikhaya Labantwana Montessori who comes with over 14 years experience. The start