2012 Saw only 2 new students enter the scholarship programme, which was most unfortuante, as I went and did presentations at of the 6 local Junior Secondary Schools in the surrounding areas. The 2 new students are Sisipho Nyaleka from Pato JSS (sponsored by Mark and Jen Raffan – thank you!) and Siphelele Sotomela from Coffee Bay JSS (sponsored by Franziska Iseli and Christo – thank you!)

The 2 new girls settled into St Johns quickly and both of them really enjoy the boarding school (as one of them said, “At school you don’t get disturbed when you are studying, to make tea for an adult or go to the shop”) 🙂 The other 4 students are still going well at St Johns and we now have 2 students in grade 10, 2 in grade 11 and 2 in grade 12.
I need to say a VERY special thank you to St Johns College, to Mr Magaqa (principal) and his staff, for giving the children such a good education……….Hardy Gaqa, one of the students from the programme, who matriculated from St Johns in 2010, (with 4 distinctions!) is now studying Mining Engineering at Wits University and has gone on to secure himself a full bursary from Anglo Gold Ashanti!!!!! Absolutely amazing news and super well done to Hardy on his efforts – the sky is now your limit!!! A big thanks to Danny Whitley from Australia for sponsoring Hardy for those 3 years – you truly helped change a child’s whole life x Thank you also to Sharon and Mark in Johannesburg for supporting Hardy before he went to Uni and for connecting him up with the Anglo Gold crew – you guys were instrumental in this amazing process…..GO HARDY!!!

Hardy has set a high standard for the students at St Johns now, but he has proved that it can be done, if you really want it and if you put your mind to it! Hardy once sat in Pato JSS, now he is getting his passport so that he can explore the world! Way to go young man 🙂