2012 Saw only 2 new students enter the scholarship programme, which was most unfortuante, as I went and did presentations at of the 6 local Junior Secondary Schools in the surrounding areas. The 2 new students are Sisipho Nyaleka from
Scholarship Fund update
St Johns College students up-date The High School scholarship programme is going very well and we are very pleased and proud to say that St Johns College had a 100% matric pass rate in 2010 and was voted one of
Scarecrows and graduations
Molo friends, hope you are all well. Thank you for your continuing support as always. With the welcome rains, revisiting friends and operation ‘clean and green’ underway, our Coffee Bay canvas is looking lush! Especially too, with the colourful array
Let “the feeling” of 2010 help you make a difference for 2011…
Hi Everyone, While our nation’s Teachers and other government employees are striking, the children in our rural areas are well frustrated! We received a number of good applications for The St Johns College High School Scholarship Programme for 2011 and
High School Scholars settling in well
Firstly I would like to thank all our high school scholarship sponsors very much for your sponsorship and the positive difference this is making for the children/youth of our community. This year we have 8 students being sponsored at St
The story of the High School Scholarship Fund
The Coffee Shack High School Scholarship Fund The Coffee Shack High School Scholarship fund was started in 2004, because the closest high school to Coffee Bay was (and still is) 20km away, and the majority of the families in the