Molo friends, hope you are all well. Thank you for your continuing support as always.
With the welcome rains, revisiting friends and operation ‘clean and green’ underway, our Coffee Bay canvas is looking lush! Especially too, with the colourful array of funky new recycled wallets being made and brightening up even the emptiest of pockets. Thanks to all local businesses for saving their cartons, Jeff at for the coloured tape and the continuous motivation and participation of our Saturday youth green team. Siseko, Lukholo, Sipho, Sinoyolo, Anati, Yanga, Luzuko, Luntu, Likho, Bernard, Lwazi and doing it for the girls and our newest member Odwa! If anyone has any other funky recycling ideas for the team please share! I know there are loads!!!!!!

Dawn and I went to Pato School for the graduation of grade R and grade 9’s on Thursday. It was my first visit to the school and I was really impressed by absolutely everything.
The procession of majorettes and beeping cars set the exciting and proud precedence of the day, followed by a wonderfully organised event of speeches, singing, theatre and the graduates themselves, beaming with pride being awarded their certificates. Congratulations to all of you.
Dawn gave a great motivational speech on behalf of the Coffee Shacks guest’s scholarship programme and the reply of ululations from the colourful crowd confirmed the valuable relationship that Dawn and the Coffee Shack have shared with Pato School over the years. A great day for all.

Our garden and seedlings at the school are happy, especially now they have a new scarecrow to fend off the naughty veggie thieves, thanks to the Marhenene boys. And the children had loads of fun threading old bottle tops onto wire for his funky rasta hair do. Now when the children see bottle tops lying on the ground they shout “scarecrow hair!” ha ha.

( Please excuse the delayed blog, my computers a dongle guzzler. Thank you Meg for lending me yours. x )
Next place needing a ‘rasta haircrow’ will be the boy’s garden, as we have just planted spinach, carrots, beans, cabbage and butternut squash . Today was no different working around the boy’s house, with the friendly little neighbours coming to lend a hand. Lukholo explained to the eager helpers the art of watering seedlings with his homemade watering can. And I had a happy thought… that another children’s garden has been born.

Big smiling enkosi kakhulu to the travelling musician Ryan for the 800 Rand toward our playground,let’s make it a christmas suprise for the little ones, as combined with the 1,000 my kind family donated, we are nearly ready for jungle jim. And to dear Dennis and Nena, Rueben and Megan for entertainaing the children and being a big part of the Ikhaya Labantwana family.
Back soon
Kate x