What a great year we are experiencing at Ikhaya Labantwana Montessori Early Learning Centre – and this is thanks to all you kind people out there, who keep popping donations into our bank account, allowing us to grow and develop our environment and school beautifully – THANK YOU!

I am going to catch you up with the highlights of our year:

Sustainable Coffee Bay - Montessori School

In January this year, I was invited to visit Jean Williams at Biblionef in Cape Town, to come and choose some books for our school.  Wow, what an amazing organisation they are! Biblionef are a book donation agency that help get books to children and adults who have no access to books or libraries.   They have a  huge quantity and variety of books in  so many of our official languages!!

Thanking Bibilionef SA  (www.biblionefsa.org.za) so much for the 78 wonderful, brand new books they donated to Ikhaya Labantwana Montessori pre-school.      

Our children have not stopped enjoying their new English and isiXhosa stories!

Sustainable Coffee Bay - Montessori School
Nokuthula readng a Xhosa story

As a token of thanks to Biblionef for the lovely books, the children at ILM are seen cleaning up the community by picking up litter and glass in town and on the beach most Fridays. They are already partaking in the Coffee Bay Clean and Green programme.

Sustainable Coffee Bay - Montessori School
Kyan caring for his environment
Sustainable Coffee Bay - Montessori School
ILM Children picking up litter
Sustainable Coffee Bay - Montessori School
Keeping Coffee Bay clean

During February 2011, we were introduced to the government’s National Development Agency (NDA)  http://www.nda.org.za/ and they were keen to talk to us about our projects. 

Ikhaya Labantwana Montessori – Jan/Feb 2011 Catch up!
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