As the last few days of the 2nd term drew closer, our attendance dropped more and more (due to the older brothers and sisters not attending the local JSS school) and on Wednesday, 9  July we only had 2 children, Nopesnuka and Kaya at school by 09h00.  As we were eating our peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast at 09h45, little Esona Khalipha arrived at school, all by himself and quite out of breath.

Sustainable Coffee Bay - Montessori School
Nopesnuka grating a carrot
Sustainable Coffee Bay - Montessori School

He had woken up that morning, and when he saw that none of the older children were getting ready for school, he got up, dressed himself and hit the road with an apple in his pocket.  He was determined to go to school.   It is about a 4km walk from Esona’s home to school and he said that he first walked on the road and then cut through the forest behind the Christian School.  What amazing determination from a little guy who has just turned 4!  He quickly made his own peanut butter sandwich and enjoyed the last day of term with us 🙂

Sustainable Coffee Bay - Montessori School
Esona mixing

Enjoy the world cup everyone and “LADUMA” to Bafana Bafana!  Dawn

The last day of the 2nd term
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