Make a wish come true and help send a child to school in 2018.
There’s still time!
Please help us to reach more people in the new year with life-changing opportunities by donating now or contacting us for more information.
With your help, we’ve achieved so much this year! We have…
Supported six students with scholarships to high school;
Provided quality early childhood education to 60 pre-school children;

Collaborated with two organisations to bring the Wellness Wagon to the area regularly, it’s seen over 1000 children already;
In collaboration with First Children, enabled teacher training of 17 local people in Early Childhood Development;
Helped one student graduate from the Tracker Academy, who in less than a month found work as a Field Guide at a private game reserve;
Helped a further two students graduate (one in the top five of her class!) from the South African College of Tourism. Both are now employed immediately after finishing college;

Held three Parent Education Workshops over the course of the year with more than 20 parents attending each session;
Supported over 40 people from the local community with various administrative services including university and student loan application guidance.
Hosted the Wild Coast NGO Forum in partnership with Coffee Shack Backpackers with over 30 people attending from 12 organisations. A unique, annual gathering of organisations across the Wild Coast collaborating on lessons learned and challenges faced.
Without our donors, sponsors and supporters we would not be able to do the vital work we do. We thank you with all our hearts for everything you have done to support our work in large or small ways. Every contribution counts and we very much appreciate your help.
Remember, just £349/ US$467/ €396 will send a child to pre-school for a whole year, that’s just €33 a month!
Or buy uniform for a child to complete the last three years of school for just £128 / US$172/ €145, or €12 a month.
Don’t forget to check out our videos and see for yourself where your donations go!
About Sustainable Coffee Bay
Lastborn’s story
Our House of the Children pre-school
Please contact us for all the options for how you can be involved. Or pledge a regular monthly amount and we will tell you how your funds were used to support our local community. Donating is easy via PayPal or bank transfer.

We look forward to increasing the positive impact we make on our local community in the new year and to our continuing partnerships, collaborations and relationships which make it all possible.
Wishing you happy holidays with loved ones and a successful new year from all of us in Coffee Bay.
Yours in thanks and development,
Katie, Ziyanda and the Sustainable Coffee Bay team
Hello all at coffee bay! Can’t believe it’s been 8 years I was last there…saw, Nomondi, Luke, Dave, Belinda, Josh? is Phil still about? Joseph? Silas/Julius, Lindani, Max, Joy, Rasta Dave, Nosi, Dawn…and many many more.
Lotsa love and warm positive vibes. Happy Days!
Warren H.
Hi Warren, there’s still many of the original crew about, although Silas is in Holland, Joseph in Germany and Julius in the USA! Quite the international bunch 🙂 Stay well and hope to see you here again soon!!