Ikhaya Labantwana Montessori is going very well, with the children developing at an amazing rate and the training teachers confidently presenting in all learning areas!

Irene presenting the Land and Water globe to Likho
Irene presenting the Land and Water globe to Likho

Ikhaya Labantwana Montessori has been very lucky, again, as we have a new ‘nutrition’ sponsor on board. Many thanks to Alex Munro and Munro Consulting for their monthly contribution to improved food and nutrition for the children and the cook and gardener’s stipends. We really appreciate this support ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks to this, we have been able to employ “Music” as a full time gardener and we are reaping the benefits. The garden has now totally recovered from the goat invasion and thanks to the rain, all the plants are happy!

Our garden
Our garden

Ikhaya Labantwana Montessori received a visit from the Department of Health last month, who were coming to immunise the children against Measles. There were many tears shed and many unhappy faces, but only until the lollypops came out – then it was all smiles ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you to the Department for this service.

There is much activity at Ikhaya Labantwana Montessori at the moment, as we get ready for school readiness, report writing and one-on-on progress meetings with the parents. We are also looking at the new admissions for 2015, but we have a huge problem! There are 53 children on the waiting list……and we can accommodate a total of 28 children, which will take us to our maximum capacity of 60 children. BUT this still leaves 25 children without access to early learning development and this is very distressing.
Ikhaya Labantwana Montessori’s reputation is really growing…..as a large number of children on the waiting list are from villages as far as 10km away.

Early Learning Development is essential!
Early Learning Development is essential!

Ikhaya Labantwana Montessori has entered the NDA National Awards for the best ECD centre of the year- please all hold thumbs for us!

Herewith some pics of the children in action – enjoy!

Esam, Nomaindiya and Josh enjoying the Banking Game
Esam, Nomaindiya and Josh enjoying the Banking Game
Lincoln making a Tree Book
Lincoln making a Tree Book
Sikulile doing threading
Sikulile doing threading
Ikhaya Labantwana Montessori – October 2014

2 thoughts on “Ikhaya Labantwana Montessori – October 2014

  • 16th October 2014 at 8:09 pm

    What an inspiration and example Ikhaya is for all other rural communities that it can be done!!! I am hoping that you win the ECD of the year.

  • 17th October 2014 at 6:11 pm

    Inspiring for sure!! ๐Ÿ™‚


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