After a good mid-year break, we opened school ready for the 3rd term……We had new globes for the environment, a Sandpaper Globe and a Continents Globe – Excellent!
We returned to school on a Monday, after having been open for 2 weeks, and what greeted my eyes was very sad………our whole garden had been destroyed……the plants had been munched, the seedlings had been dug out of the ground and munched and everythimg was ‘deurmekaar’…… was the first time in a long time that tears rolled down my cheeks…….and I do believe that the culprits were this family…………………………………

It took a while to get over the destruction of the garden……..then Nothula was off to Itec for some Early Childhood Development training in East London. Happy days!
Winter carried on…… our garden developing slowly, our children developing quickly and Leo and Rhi came to visit us for a Fun Friday in August. We joyfully sang Xhosa songs while Leo played guitar and we were blessed with traditional, boerePumpkin Fritters for lunch, all made by Leo. Thank you sooooo much for your efforts, our children will never forget pumpkin fritters 🙂