Ok, my gardening entries have been at their minimum but work I can assure you has been full steam ahead in “Igada Labantwana” “THE CHILDRENS GARDEN”. Despite missing the presence of inquisitive eyes and helpful little hands over Easter holiday’s, I have had much help from my fellow wheel barrowing friends Ninty and Keuchan. Busy under the sweltering Transkei sunshine, the dream team have got things done and I’m delighted to announce a fence now shelters the new baby veggies (spinach, butternut, spring onions, tomatoes, basil, beetroot and peppers) and an apple tree! Enkosi boys for your hard work and your patience with my very bad Xhosa and those pesky piglets. x
Our vision: to have a florally diverse space for the children to enjoy. To discover the beauty of plants, and, the pure delight in growing (and eating!) their own yummy food. I know it’s not looking exactly like the garden of eden yet, but I’m seeing archways of beans and sugar peas, maize houses, potato towers and a pond full of frogs. Some of my favourite moments are when Ninty and I create something that we know the children will love, such as our whoops of excitement at our bamboo fence and archway. If anyone has any other suggestions I’m all ears and continuous motivation.
I would love to start building the playground as soon as possible too. Swings, slides and see-saws. Donations needed please! : )
Be back very soon… Kate x
Well done! x